The gathering
Here is what we want to do, God helping us: Take our everyday, ordinary life—our sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for us is the best thing we can do for him. (See Romans 12:1)
Our gatherings are a time to engage with God, connect with one another, and learn together. We hope that regular people like us will find comfort, compassion, truth, and grace in this simple and sacred space. Together we learn the art of loving God and loving people with our everyday lives. Come on in!
What’s it like? We value a multi-generational environment where families can engage comfortably together. We have warm and engaging people ready to welcome your small children/babies into a nearby room if you’d prefer. Our Sunday services usually consist of live music and practical teaching. We want you to feel welcome and loved, just as you are.